E8xx & 996
EFE Rail & Gilbow Railway Collection
99638 - Crosville LMS - Leyland TD1 The Gilbow Railway Collection Packaging99632 - British Railways - Bedford TK TruckE85002 - J94 Saddle Tank Locomotive (OO scale)
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EFE Rail Locos -- EFE Rail DMU Packs -- EFE Rail Carriages -- EFE Rail Wagons -- EFE Rail Motorised Tube Trains
Gilbow Railways Loads & Accessories -- Gilbow Railways Road Vehicles -- EFE Buildings

 List For Reference Only - We ARE NOT retailers & neither stock or sale any models 

Use the model number links below to view the full details and/or pictures of each release.

Railway Locomotives & Wagons (N, OO & O Scale)
[W] Indicates models have a Weathered finish

(Bachmann British Railways Releases Winter 2024)
Cat No./
Product Description & Number Operator & Livery / Loco Name / Running No. / Destination Scale Released
Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0 Tank Steam Locomotive
Class 15 Diesel Locomotive
Southern Region Bullied Booster Locomotive
British Railways Class 47 Electro-Diesel Locomotive
Class 35 'Hymek' Locomotive
Class 58 Locomotive
J94 Saddle Tank Locomotive
LSWR Adams 02 Steam Locomotive
LSWR Adams T3 Steam Locomotive
Class 17 Locomotive
Class 41 "Warship" Locomotive
WD Austerity (J94) Saddle Tank Steam Locomotive
Diesel Multiple Units (Motorised DMU Sets)
Class 143 2 Car DMU Packs
Class 144 2 Car DMU Packs
LSWR 'Gate Stock' Coaches (2 Coach Packs)
LSWR 'Cross Country' Coaches (3 & 4 Coach Packs)
LBSCR 54ft 'Isle of Wight' Coaches (4 Coach Packs)
Newton Chambers Car Carrier
NAA Propelling Control Vehicle (Non-Motorised Models)
JIA Nacco Wagon
PBA Tiger Wagon
BR SPA/ZAA Open Wagon
BR SEA Wagon With Hood
BR ZCA 'Sea Urchin' Open Wagon EWS
Plasser 12T YOB Diesel-Hydraulic Crane
PRA China Clay Wagon
LSWR 10T Ventilated Van
GWR 10T 'Bloater' Fish Van
JIA Nacco Wagon
PBA Tiger Wagon
14T 'Mermaid' Side Tipping Ballast Wagon
BR 20T 'Shark' Ballast Plough Brake Van
Motorised London Tube Train Sets
A full list of earlier non-motorised EFE Tube Train model releases can be found HERE.
1938 Stock Tube Trains
1959 Stock Tube Trains
1962 Stock Tube Trains

1/76 "OO" Scale Lorry Cargo Loads, Railway & Street Accessories

Many of the accessory packs below were re-issued by Bachmann in revised EFE packaging with an E suffix added to the original product codes
Cat No./
Product Description Qty per pack Released

1/76 "OO" Scale Road Vehicles
Cat No./
Model Description Operator &/or Colour Registration Released

EFE Buildings
Cat No./
Product Description Scale Released