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If you have any difficulties with the links below, then we'd be very grateful if you would report it to us
Sites below will open in a new browser tab or window.

Web Safety Advice

Comparitech - Lot's of useful information on keeping your children & yourself safe and secure on the 'net

Google - What Does It Know About You - A guide explaining exactly what information is collected & tracked when you use Google's online search & other services.

Online Privacy Tips - News & Tips on how to protect your privacy when online. - A guide explaining how ISPs & advertisers are tracking your child's internet activity & how to stop it.

VPNMentor - Another good source of information on keeping your children safe and secure on the internet

Useful Resources

Adobe Acrobat - FREE PDF reader

Adobe PDF Logo -

Speedcheck - Internet speed connection checker with the most extensive guide on how to troubleshoot speed and connection issues.

Broadband Speed Test - Check the actual speed of your internet connection, are you getting close to the advertised maximum download speed.

HTML Goodies - A fantastic resource for anyone wanting to learn how to produce their own website.

Microsoft Excel Viewer - for non-Excel spreadsheet users

Microsoft Office 2007 Compatibility Pack - allows you to open MS Word 2007 .docx and .docm files in some earlier versions of MS Word - Updated link

PDF writer/converter - FREE: supports MS Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10

Tiny URL - used to make shorter URLs (links) for emails - Learn to use various web related coding languages & libraries. Covers everything from basic HTML to advanced Javascript & Python programming. Free open access to all.

Open Source Applications Used To Create This Site

Audacity - Audio file editor. Used for You Tube video commentaries.

Faststone Image Resizer - A free image converter and renaming tool that intends to enable users to convert, rename, resize, crop, rotate, change color depth, add text and watermarks to images in a quick and easy batch mode.

Filezilla - A fast and reliable open source cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client.

Gimp 2 - Open source Photo/GNU image manipulation program for MAC, Windows & Linux.

Inkscape - Open source vector graphics application for MAC, Windows & Linux.

MicroHof HTML Automator 1-41 (Zip file link) - A handy little utility that allows elements from a database to be inserted into HMTL code. Sadly no longer supported or available from MicroHof, but still works even in Windows 10. This site would not exist without this small piece of software, it was used to generate all the model pages & the model lists, it saved me hundreds of hours of HTML coding.

Notepad++ - An advanced open source replacement for Windows Notepad which supports both text or code editing.

Open Office - Free Office package (word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, database, etc.

Open Shot Video Editor - Free video editor & slide show maker used to produce the videos for the Model Bus Zone You Tube channel.

Xenu - Xenu Link Sleuth will search a website and for broken internal & external links.

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